Junie B. Jones Complete Book Series in Order

Meet Junie B. Jones, the world's funniest Kindergartener.    Junie B. Jones, the main character, is a relatable and endearing protagonist for young readers. Her humorous and often candid observations about her experiences in first grade resonate with children, making her a character they can connect with.The books are known for their humor, witty dialogue, and Junie B.'s quirky antics. Her misunderstandings and unique way of expressing herself provide plenty of laughs for both kids and adults.

 The adventures of Junie b. Jones often revolve around everyday experiences that children can relate to, such as going to school, making friends, dealing with family, and facing challenges. This relatability makes the stories more engaging.

Junie B. Jones Complete Chapter Book Series in Order

The bestselling children's Junie B. Jones series by Barbara Park has achieved popularity for many years.  The series is written from a first-person perspective, allowing readers to see the world through Junie B.'s eyes. This child-centric viewpoint of the world's funniest kindergartener enables readers to better understand and empathize with her feelings, thoughts, and actions. The series is a classroom favorite serves as a bridge for young readers who are transitioning from picture books to chapter books. It has shorter chapters, larger fonts, and illustrations, which can boost the confidence of early readers. Despite her misadventures, Junie B. often learns valuable life lessons about friendship, responsibility, honesty, and empathy. The books provide subtle but important messages in a fun and non-didactic way.

The illustrations by Denise Brunkus complement the text and help young readers visualize the characters and situations in the story and make reading fun.  The books feature a diverse cast of characters, allowing children from various backgrounds to see themselves in the stories.

Overall, the "Junie B. Jones" series strikes a hilarious balance between relatability,and meaningful life lessons, making it a favorite among young readers and a valuable addition to early chapter book collections.

Best age for Junie B Jones books

The "Junie B. Jones" books by Barbara Park are typically recommended for children in the early elementary school years, typically around ages 5 to 9. Here's a breakdown of the best age range for these books:

  • Beginning Readers (Ages 5-7): The series is often used as a transitional series for children who are just starting to read chapter books. The simple language, short chapters, and humorous stories make them accessible and engaging for early readers.

  • Independent Readers (Ages 7-9): As children progress in their reading skills, they can continue to enjoy the series as independent readers. The books offer a blend of humor, relatable situations, and life lessons that appeal to children in this age group.

  • Read-Aloud (Ages 4-7): Parents and teachers can read the "Junie B. Jones" books aloud to younger children, even as early as age 4. The stories are entertaining and may spark discussions about the character's actions and decisions.

It's important to note that individual reading levels and interests can vary, so while these age ranges provide a general guideline, some children may start reading them a little earlier or later. Parents, caregivers, and educators can assess a child's reading proficiency and interests to determine when it's the best time to introduce them to the "Junie B. Jones" series.

The "Junie B. Jones" book series by Barbara Park includes both the original series and its spin-off, "Junie B. Jones, First Grader." Here is the complete list of books in both series in order of their release.  

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Original "Junie B. Jones" Series In Order:

  1. Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus - In the first Junie B. Jones book, it’s Junie B.’s first day and she doesn’t know anything. She’s so scared of the school bus and the meanies on it that when it’s time to go home, she doesn’t.  Your students and children are going to beg you not to stop reading this hilarious book where you meet Junie B. Jones and fall in love.  

2. Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business-   In the second Junie B. Jones book, it’s pooey on B-A-B-I-E-S until Junie B. finds out that her new dumb old baby brother is a big fat deal. Her two bestest friends are giving her everything they own just to see him. And guess what else? Maybe she can bring him to school on Pet Day.

3. Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth - Junie B.’s having a rough week. First she got punishment for shooting off her mouth in kindergarten. And now she’s in big trouble again! ’Cause Monday is Job Day, and Junie B. told her class that she’s got the bestest job of all. Only, what the heck is it?

4. Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying -Junie B. is the bestest spier in the world. That’s ’cause she has sneaky feet. And her nose doesn’t whistle when she breathes. But guess what? Junie B. might be real sneaky. And real peeky. But when she spies on Mrs., her teacher, apparently its the worst thing and she could get into real trouble!

5. Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake -It’s Carnival Night, and Lucille has already won a box of fluffy cupcakes with sprinkles on them. But when Junie B. wins the Cake Walk, she chooses the bestest cake of all—the one wrapped in sparkly aluminum foil. How was she to know it was a lethal weapon?

6. Junie B. Jones and That Meanie Jim's Birthday -  That meanie classmate Jim has invited everyone in Room Nine to his birthday party on Saturday—except Junie B.! Should she have her own birthday party six months early and not invite Jim? Or should she move to It’s a Small World After All in Disneyland?

7. Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren - There’s a new boy in kindergarten, and guess what? He’s the handsomest guy Junie B. has ever seen. She and Lucille and that Grace all want him for a boyfriend. Only, he thinks Junie B. is a nutball. Just ’cause she couldn’t stop laughing and rolling. So how is she supposed to get that boy to love her?

8. Junie B. Jones Has a Monster Under Her Bed - Junie B. knows there’s no such thing as monsters. Mother and Daddy even said so. But then why is there monster drool on Junie B.’s pillow? Oh, no! What if Paulie Allen Puffer is right—what if she really does have a monster under her bed? If Junie B. goes to sleep, the monster might see her feet hanging down. And he might think her big piggy toe is a yummy little wiener sausage!

9. Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook - A terrible thing happened to Junie B.! And it’s called—someone took her new black furry mittens! And they kept them! They didn’t even put them in the Lost and Found at school. So when Junie B. finds a wonderful pen on the floor, she should be allowed to keep it, too. Right? That’s fair. Right? Right?

10. Junie B. Jones Is a Party Animal - Lucille is having a sleepover party—at her richie nanna’s big giant house! Grace and Junie B. can’t wait to see all the rich stuff in that place. Sleeping over at the nanna’s for the first time is sure to be a dream come true! ’Cause what could possibly go wrong?

11. Junie B. Jones Is a Beauty Shop Guy - Junie B. wants to be a beauty shop guy when she grows up. But first she needs a little practice. And a few volunteers. Like her bunny slippers. And her dog. And maybe even . . . herself? Is Junie B. on her way to a great new career? Or is she about to have the worst hair day ever?

12. Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy- There’s going to be a pet day at school, only guess what? No dogs allowed! And that’s the only kind of pet Junie B. has! If Mother and Daddy won’t buy her a new pet, Junie B. will just have to find one on her own. Like maybe a jar of ants. Or a wiggly worm. Or—could it be—something even better?

13. Junie B. Jones Is (Almost) a Flower Girl - Junie B.’s aunt Flo is getting married. What a perfect chance for her to show everyone how grown-up she is! Too bad she wasn’t picked to be the flower girl in the wedding so she could really show off. But surely Junie B. can still find some way to get everyone’s attention.

14. Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentine - February 14—Valentime’s Day, as Junie B. calls it—is just around the corner. Junie B. can’t wait to see all the valentimes she’ll get. But she never expected a big, mushy card from a secret admirer! Who is this secret mystery guy, anyway? Junie B. is determined to find out. Only guess what? Finding a secret mystery guy is NOT as easy as it sounds! Can Junie B. solve this mushy, gushy mystery?

15. Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket - It’s almost the end of the school year, and Room Nine is taking a field trip to a farm! There’s lots of fun farm stuff there and its a big day for the class. Like a real actual barn. And a real actual farmer. There’s even real alive animals you can pet! Only, where’s the gift shop? That’s what Junie B. Jones would like to know. Surely no one would want Junie B. to go home empty-handed. 

16. Junie B. Jones Is Captain Field Day - Afternoon kindergarten is having a field day, and Junie B. Jones is team captain! Only, here’s the problem. Room Eight keeps on winning too many events. And so how will Room Nine ever become the kindergarten champions? As Captain Field Day, will Junie B. find a way to lead her team to victory? Or will it be up to someone else to save the day?

17. Junie B. Jones Is a Graduation Girl - It’s kindergarten graduation, and Room Nine is getting bright white graduation gowns. Mrs. says to keep them in their boxes until the big day. But Junie B. Jones just can’t help herself. Then—uh-oh!—an accident happens! Will graduation be a spotty dotty disaster?

The original "Junie B. Jones" series includes 27 books. Afterward, the series was extended with the "Junie B. Jones, First Grader" series. Junie B. Jones is back for a brand-new school year in a whole new classroom.  Barbara Park's New York Times welcomes the next level of adventures of Junie B. Jones as she adjusts to first grade fun.

 Throughout the children's book series, Junie B. faces various emotional and social challenges, allowing young readers to see how she copes with and learns from her experiences. This can be valuable for children who are navigating similar situations in their own lives.  Can you believe the world's funniest kindergartner is now a first grader?   The fun continues with Junie B!

Junie B Jones First Grader Books in Order

1. Junie B., First Grader (at Last!) Hurray, hurray for a brand-new school year with the world's funniest first grader! Being in first grade means having to get used to a whole new classroom. And a whole new teacher. And a whole new bunch of strange children. But here’s the worst thing of all: When Junie B. tries to read words on the chalkboard, she can’t seem to see what everyone else is seeing! Is it possible she might actually end up wearing glasses?

2. Junie B., First Grader: Boss of Lunch - Something very wonderful is happening to Junie B. And it’s called—hurray, hurray!—she’s getting to be a professional lunch lady! And that means hanging out with Mrs. Gutzman in the cafeteria. And standing behind the counter. And even wearing a real actual hair net! Who knows? Pretty soon she could be the boss of the whole entire lunch operation!

3.. Junie B., First Grader (Toothless Wonder) One of Junie B.’s top front teeth is loose! Only Junie B. is not that thrilled about this development. Because what if she looks like toothless Uncle Lou? And even worse . . . what’s all this tooth fairy business? Like, who is this woman, really? And what does she do with all those used teeth? So many questions, so little time.

4. Junie B., First Grader (Cheater Pants) Junie B. has all the answers when it comes to cheating. It’s just plain wrong! But what about copying someone else’s homework? That’s not cheating, right? ’Cause homework isn’t even a test! And speaking of tests . . . what if a friend shares an answer that you didn’t even ask for? Sharing definitely isn’t cheating . . . is it? Uh-oh. Maybe this cheating business is more complicated than Junie B. thought. Could she be a cheater pants and not even know it?

5. Junie B., First Grader (One-Man Band) It’s time for the first-grade kickball tournament! Only, here’s the problem. Junie B. has hurt her big piggy toe and she can’t play on the team. So now what? She definitely doesn’t want to be a cheerleader. But wait! Maybe she could be in Sheldon’s halftime show! Then all eyes would be on her! And she would be the star! Hurray! Hurray! Junie B. . . . in the spotlight. What could possibly go wrong?

6. Junie B., First Grader (Shipwrecked) Room One is putting on a play. And guess what? It’s about explorers looking for the New World! And there’s ships and sea captains and everything! Plus here’s the bestest news of all—Junie B. Jones thinks she might be the star of the whole entire production! Only, sailing the ocean blue is not as easy as it looks, apparently. ’Cause problems keep on happening. Like the actors keep catching the flu. And bossy May keeps trying to take over the show. Can this play be saved? Will the ships ever get to land? Or is Room One in for a disaster at sea that they will never forget?

7. Junie B., First Grader (Boo...and I Mean It!) It’s Halloween! But Junie B. is afraid to go trick-or-treating. ’Cause what if witches and monsters are really real? And what if pumpkins with sharp teeth can eat your feet? And don’t even get her started on the candy corn problem. So how is Junie B. supposed to enjoy this scary holiday?

8. Junie B., First Grader (Jingle Bells, Batman Smells! (P.S. So Does May)) It's holiday time, and Room One is doing lots of fun things to celebrate. Like making elf costumes! And singing joyful songs! Only, how can Junie B. enjoy the festivities when Tattletale May keeps ruining her holiday glee? And here is the worst part of all! When everyone picks names for Secret Santa, Junie B. gets stuck with Tattletale you-know-who! It's enough to fizzle your holiday spirit! Hmm . . . or is it? Maybe, just maybe, a Secret Santa gift is the perfect opportunity to give May exactly what she deserves.

9. Junie B., First Grader (Aloha-ha-ha!) Junie B. and her family are going on a vacation to Hawaii! And ha! Mr. Scary is giving Junie a real, actual camera to keep a photo journal of her trip! But taking good vacation pictures is not always easy. ’Cause what if there is an unfortunate inner tube incident at the swimming pool? (And, oh my! Let’s not even mention what happens if a tropical bird gets tangled in your hair!) Will Junie B.’s vacation end up picture-perfect? Or will her trip to Hawaii be aloha-horrible?

10. Junie B., First Grader (Dumb Bunny) Lucille is having an Easter egg hunt at her rich expensive mansion! And guess what? The winner gets a play date to swim in Lucille’s heated indoor swimming pool! Only, here is the problem. How did Junie B. get stuck wearing a big dumb bunny suit? And how can she possibly find eggs when she keeps tripping over her huge big rabbit feet? Being a dumb bunny is definitely not as easy as it looks. Will Junie B. end up with egg on her face? Or will the day deliver some very uneggspected results?

11. Junie B., First Grader (Turkeys We Have Loved and Eaten (and Other Thankful Stuff))Gobble, gobble! Room One is getting ready for their very own Thanksgiving feast! There's even a contest to see which room can write the best thankful list. The winners will get a pumpkin pie! Only it turns out being thankful is harder than it looks. Because Junie B. is not actually thankful for Tattletale May. Or squash. Or scratchy pilgrim costumes. And pumpkin pie makes her vomit, anyway. Will Room One win the disgusting pie? Can May and Junie B. find common ground? Or will this Thanksgiving feast turn into a Turkey Day Disaster?

This is the complete list of "Junie B. Jones" books, including both the original series and the first-grade spin-off series, in order of their release.  Families and elementary school classrooms will embrace these as your favorite books for years to come.  

The "Junie B. Jones" series by Barbara Park has received several awards and honors over the years, including the following:

  • ALA Notable Children's Book: The American Library Association recognized multiple books in the series as Notable Children's Books, including "Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus" and "Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth."

  • Children's Choice Book Award: The series received the Children's Choice Book Award, which is awarded by children themselves. Several books in the series were voted as favorites by young readers.

  • Parents' Choice Award: Some books in the series have been recipients of the Parents' Choice Award, which honors quality children's media and products.

  • Library of Congress Children's Book of the Year: "Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus" was recognized as the Library of Congress Children's Book of the Year.

  • IRA Children's Choice: The International Reading Association (IRA) awarded multiple books in the series with the Children's Choice designation.

  • ALA Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers: Some books in the series were recognized by the American Library Association as Quick Picks for readers who may be reluctant to pick up a book.

These awards and honors reflect the popularity and appeal of the "Junie B. Jones" series among young readers and its contributions to children's literature over the last twenty-five years!  This is a book series about a fictional character that works her way into your heart long before the final book is done!

Erin Smith

Mom of 3 sharing tips for parenting, DIY and crafts, recipes for kids, and lifestyle tips for families on the go.  


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