National Parks Books for Kids: Top Must Read Adventures

In a world often dominated by screens and digital distractions of smart phones and video games, the call of the wild remains ever potent, especially for the young, curious minds eager to explore the wonders of nature. Fortunately, within the pages of children's literature, lies a treasure trove of stories that not only captivate the imagination but also serve as a portal to the breathtaking landscapes of our national parks. These literary gems not only entertain but also educate, instilling a love and appreciation for the natural world and the invaluable importance of preserving it for generations to come.

As we embark on this literary journey, we invite you to join us in celebrating the magic of national parks through the eyes of children's literature. From the towering redwoods of California to the majestic peaks of the Rockies, each turn of the page reveals a new adventure waiting to unfold. These books serve as more than just stories; they are windows into a world teeming with diversity, beauty, and the boundless wonders of nature.

National Parks Books for Kids: Top Must Read Adventures

Exploring National Parks Through Children's Books:

In the bustling world of children's literature, authors and illustrators have masterfully crafted tales that transport young readers to the heart of our nation's most cherished natural landscapes. Through vibrant illustrations and engaging narratives, these books serve as both guides and companions, inviting children to embark on unforgettable journeys of exploration and discovery.

One such book that has captured the hearts of readers young and old is "Our National Parks" by John Muir. This timeless classic not only showcases Muir's profound love for the wilderness but also introduces young readers to the splendor of Yosemite, Yellowstone, and the Grand Canyon. With vivid descriptions and awe-inspiring illustrations, Muir's words leap off the page, inspiring a sense of wonder and reverence for these iconic landmarks.

In addition to classics like Muir's, contemporary authors have also contributed their own works to the rich tapestry of children's literature centered around national parks. Books such as "Ranger Rick's National Parks Adventure" by Stacy Tornio and Ken Keffer offer a modern take on exploring the great outdoors. Filled with fun facts, activities, and stunning photography, this book serves as a comprehensive guide for young adventurers eager to delve into the wonders of our national parks.

How Many National Parks Are There?

There are 63 National Parks in the United States.

Is There a List of National Parks?

Yes, you can find a list of National Parks in the United States here.  It can be overwhelming to decide where to start in your quest to visit National Parks.  Sme of the larger National Parks could take weeks to explore and others are able to be explored in a weekend.  Apart from hiking, biking, and water sports, each national park offers its own unique activities specific to the individual park which makes the quest to visit all National Parks so fun.

What are the Best National Parks to Visit with Kids?

You may get a different answer depending on which family you ask. It really depends on your children’s ages and skills.  If you have small children like me, start small and build confidence in your ability to navigate National Parks in the U.S. Make it easier on your family by staying closer to home as you are beginning to conquer National Parks with your children.  

What is the Junior Ranger Program?

The Junior Ranger Program is a widely celebrated initiative led by the National Park Service in the United States, aimed at engaging young visitors in the exploration and preservation of national parks. Designed to inspire a sense of stewardship and appreciation for the natural world, the program offers children the opportunity to participate in educational activities, earn badges, and become official Junior Rangers.

Participation in the Junior Ranger Program typically involves completing a series of age-appropriate activities within a national park. These activities may include guided nature hikes, scavenger hunts, interactive exhibits, and educational programs led by park rangers. Through these experiences, children learn about the park's natural and cultural history, wildlife, conservation efforts, and the importance of environmental stewardship.

Upon completion of the required activities, children are often asked to recite an oath pledging to protect and preserve national parks. In return, they are awarded a Junior Ranger badge or certificate, symbolizing their commitment to the principles of conservation and their newfound knowledge of the park they have explored.

The Junior Ranger Program not only fosters a deeper connection between children and nature but also empowers them to become ambassadors for environmental conservation in their communities. By instilling a sense of responsibility and respect for the natural world at a young age, the program helps cultivate the next generation of park stewards and advocates for the preservation of our national treasures.

National Park Week 

National Park Week is an annual celebration in the United States organized by the National Park Service (NPS) to highlight the beauty, significance, and accessibility of America's national parks. Typically held in April, National Park Week offers a range of special events, programs, and free admission to encourage people of all ages to explore and enjoy these natural and cultural treasures.

During National Park Week, visitors have the opportunity to participate in various activities and experiences offered by national parks across the country. These may include ranger-led tours, guided hikes, wildlife viewing, historical reenactments, educational programs, volunteer opportunities, and special events celebrating the diverse landscapes and cultural heritage preserved within the national park system.

One of the most anticipated aspects of National Park Week is the offer of free admission to all national parks on certain days. This initiative aims to make these iconic destinations more accessible to people from all walks of life, regardless of their financial means, and to encourage first-time visitors to discover the beauty and wonder of America's natural wonders.

Additionally, National Park Week serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of conservation and stewardship of our public lands. Through educational initiatives and outreach efforts, the National Park Service seeks to inspire individuals to become advocates for the protection and preservation of these invaluable natural and cultural resources for future generations to enjoy.

Overall, National Park Week is a time to celebrate the splendor and significance of America's national parks, to connect with nature, to learn about our shared heritage, and to inspire a lifelong love of the outdoors. Whether it's exploring a familiar park or discovering a new favorite destination, National Park Week invites everyone to experience the magic of these treasured landscapes and the countless adventures they offer.

13 Must Read Kid Books about National Parks

Add these titles to your school library or home reading list as a great way to learn more about conservation, native wildlife, and the greatest of American treasures in our National Parks all over the US. These excellent books are a great starter list to get your family excited about your upcoming camping trip or adventure!

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Who Pooped in the Park?

Watch where you step! Sometimes the animals that live in Yellowstone National Park are hard to find--but you can always find their poop!

Come along with Michael, Emily, and their family as they learn about the animals in the park from their scats (poop) and tracks (footprints). This delightfully illustrated children's book follows Michael--who is afraid of bears--and his family as they encounter signs of bison, moose, elk, deer, rabbits, wolves, mountain lions, badgers, and more.

The pictures books also includes a handy reference chart with silhouettes, tracks, scats, and comments for all of the animals of the park.

Hello, National Parks!

Welcome to the National Park! Parent and child eagles visit America's national parks and public lands in children's board book Hello, National Parks! Packed with details for the youngest travelers, the guide book takes little readers from the Statue of Liberty in the east to the Golden Gate in the west, from the Grand Canyon to Cape Cod National Seashore to the Everglades and to Hawaii Volcanoes. Along the way, budding Junior Rangers will begin to develop an appreciation for our country's history, animals, and beauty! For ages 2-5 this is a must have National Park children's book that is packed with so much information.  

B is for Bison: A Natural Parks Primer

Introduce your toddler to 26 national parks found in the United States with this colorful alphabet primer, from the creators of BabyLit.  An engaging collection of illustrations showing amazing features of 26 national parks across the United States. Features of each park include popular animals, landmarks, and scenic views. Have fun reading with your child as you come across letters such as: G for Grand Canyon National Park, L for Lava, O for Old Faithful, and Y for Yosemite National Park. Illustrator Greg Paprocki’s popular BabyLit alphabet board books feature his classically retro midcentury art style that’s proven to be a hit with both toddlers and adults. 

A Dog’s National Park Vacation

This lushly illustrated children's book shares the story of when one curious but shy cocker spaniel joins her family on the road trip of a lifetime. In their visits to six national parks, they overlook the vast expanse of the Grand Canyon, marvel at the hot springs of Yellowstone, and witness the breathtaking scenery of Glacier National Park. The book celebrates the fun of national parks and highlights their dog-friendly features, whether hiking trails or nights around the campfire.

Hello Yellowstone!

Welcome to Yellowstone! In this board book from bestselling children's author-illustrator Martha Day Zschock, a parent and child bear explore Yellowstone National Park. Join them as they discover shooting geysers, sizzling hot springs, and bubbling mud pots.  This is a National Park book with lively text that my preschooler loves.

National Parks of the USA

Packed with maps and fascinating facts about the flora and fauna unique to each of the 21 parks portrayed, this lushly illustrated coast-to-coast journey documents in large format the nation’s most magnificent and sacred places—and shows why they should be preserved for future generations to enjoy.  This book about National Parks for kids is a stunning representation of what you and your family will find when exploring and visiting in everyday life.

National Parks of the U.S.A. Activity Book

Get ready for a journey like no other! Follow the park animals as you find your way through a seemingly never-ending maze, spot the difference between some amazing creepy crawlies, complete a ferocious crossword full of hungry predators, find your feathered park friends in a bird word search, design your very own national park, and so much more! Use the spotters guide for each park to see if you can find grunting northern elephant seals, fluttering hummingbirds, bounding snowshoe hares, and lots of other wonderful creatures. This is one of our favorite National Parks activity books for children.  It is a great road trip activity to keep kids busy and entertained during a long car ride too.

The 50 States

Explore every state of the USA from Alabama to Wyoming and the nation’s capital to discover more than 2,000 facts that celebrate the people, cities, nature, and historic events that have helped make America what it is today. You'll also get an expansive guide to the state flags and US presidents in this National Parks book for children.

The 50 States: Activity Book

In this summer companion to the popular smash-hit The 50 States, you can enjoy state trivia, picture scrambles, dot-to-dots, plus a double-sided fold-out map and more than 50 stickers included in this activity book like no other! Use the spotters guides to see if you can find the people, places, and animals that make each state an adventure. Bitesize information and awesome facts about the 50 states accompany each activity in this kids book about National Parks in US.

50 Adventures in the 50 States

This stunning children’s book about National Parks showcases an amazing adventure activity to try in every single state. 50 Adventures in the 50 States features gripping outdoors activities, vividly illustrated and described alongside fascinating facts about the nature and geography of each activity location – the very best the U.S.A. has to offer budding young adventurers who want to read about National Parks! Each adventure is illustrated with a beautiful, poster-worthy image, with pull-out facts about how the adventure activity is accomplished and key information about the area’s natural and cultural highlights.

All Aboard: National Parks A Wildlife Primer

Hop aboard in this beautifully illustrated board book for even the tiniest traveler. All Aboard celebrates the unique qualities of each city while employing a fun primer element to tell the story. These books will have you and baby seeing the world by train and will turn story time into a globetrotting event. Perfect as a souvenir or as part of a geography collection for brilliant babies, the All Aboard! series will be pulling into your station next!  This book is one of my favorites for building a book collection with unique features for your little one who loves to explore and read about National Parks.

If I Were a Park Ranger

Do you have a child who loves to travel to National Parks and read about National Parks? Then you definitely need to read this awesome title If I Were a Park Ranger if you are on the lookout for children’s books about National Parks.

If you were a national park ranger, you'd spend every day in one of the most treasured place in America. You'd have an amazing job protecting animals, the environment, and our country's natural and historical heritage, from the wilds of Denali to the Statue of Liberty!

Our Great Big Backyard

 Jane’s parents announce that her family is going on a road trip to national parks around the country and she is bummed. But somewhere between the Everglades and Big Bend National Park, things begin to change. The stunning views open up her imagination as she and her brother see the most amazing sights that nature has to offer.  This book has beautiful color illustrations and is one you will want to read again and again.

If you are looking for additional children’s books about camping, find a great list of our must-read camping books for young children and families here.

As we reach the end of our literary expedition, it is evident that children's books play a vital role in fostering a deep connection with nature and inspiring a sense of stewardship for our national parks. Through the pages of these books, young readers embark on journeys of imagination and exploration, discovering the beauty and diversity of our natural world.

In an age where technology often competes for attention, the enduring appeal of children's literature offers a much-needed reminder of the magic that awaits beyond the confines of screens and devices. Whether it's through the lyrical prose of John Muir or the captivating photography of Ranger Rick, these books serve as beacons of inspiration, guiding the next generation of environmental stewards on a path of discovery and appreciation for our nation's most treasured landscapes.

So, as we bid farewell to the pages of these enchanting books, let us carry with us the lessons learned and the memories created, knowing that the wonders of our national parks will always be waiting, ready to inspire and enchant generations yet to come.

Erin Smith

Mom of 3 sharing tips for parenting, DIY and crafts, recipes for kids, and lifestyle tips for families on the go.

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